Help! Upgrading CDP in the $1500-$3500 range!

Please give recommendations on CDP and Transports in the $1.5-3.5m. range. Would like to hear about comparisions of EAD Ultadisc 2000, SFT-1 and SFCD-1, CAL CL-15, Theta. Especially on the EAD? Any listening experiences conveyed are appreciated! Big decision!

Showing 1 response by lihifiguy

All of the other posts have recommended exceptional components.Also possibly consider used CAl Alpha/Delta seperates from a reliable source.Then a $450. 24/96 CAL upgrade.I have a great sounding 15k system that I took a lot of time,through researching and in home auditioning to get to its current level.In just the last week my girl's just divorced brother moved in with his new modest priced H&K seperates($600.closeout)an old popular 11 yr.old Magnavox cdb650 that I previouly gave him and a pair of small German made Kirksaeter speakers on spiked stands.With him being low on funds we resorted to any low cost tweaks. With his 3 components at 1 ft. apart in a cheap rack we proceeded.He cut in half about a dozen solid pink rubber balls and isolated all components and speakers from stands.A dramatic improvement was heard.He also twisted 3 11 gauge speaker cables together and connected to banana plugs.This outperformed a pair of Kimber 4TCs.I also put my high end interconnects and cables in his system,and once again another big leap in performance.A thin version Marigo cd mat took the edge off the high frequencies.I am shocked how good a basic 11 year old CD player can sound by avoiding as many weak links as possible.I would be quite content to have this sound if I needed a 2nd system elsewhere.Possibly this just happens to be a a great synergy of good sounding low cost gear.What's the point?Unless your just eager to spend, you should first make sure that there are no weak links in your system,and try some low cost tweaks,you may be very surprised as I was.My entire belief system pertaining to hifi has taken a positive more open minded shift for the better.Hope that you were ready for this and that it has allowed for some food for thought.