HELP: Tweaking my system is killing my back...

In the last few months I have been working on improving the sound of my system through some modest upgrades and tweaks. Now, my system sounds alot nicer than it did a few months ago, but I still have a way to go. The thing now is that I find myself listening to music for alot longer than I did before. Not bad, huh, but wait. Before I started this new adventure, I would sit down, listen, get up, do this, do that, sit down, get up, and so on. I rarely sat for long periods of time. Last night I put on some on some Mozart and it sounded great and before long I was in my usual chair for hours and this morning my back is killing me from sitting so long on that chair.

I am thinking of getting a futon to sit on and ocassionally sleep in while I listen to music, but I am hoping that this added piece of furniture doesn't cause more sonic problems.


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