Help, Turntable Belt.... Weird

Okay so I called the distributor of my turntable and I had a slight problem with the belt, so anyway they told me to clean it with Windex? These seems a little off to me but maybe I am wrong, does'nt windex have like Ammonia and or other components that could soften or damage rubber?

Anyway, I will clean and Talc it but what is a correct cleaner for this method?

Also they want kinda a lot of money for a replacement belt from them direct, anybody got good cheap online sources for a new belt?


Showing 1 response by kjt7fc40

A little off-topic, but still a good tip. My TT can sit for weeks without being used. To greatly extend the life of the belt, I slip it off during these periods. It’s a small inconvenience to have to slip it on again when listening, but you’ll get years more use before the belt’s stretched to the point of needing replacement.