HELP Turning off the Left Brain

Its been over 25 years since I bought my first stereo. All my friends wanted wheels, I just wanted to play my records on something other than my parents stereo console. After spending over 25 years training my ears to distinguish between the tiniest differences in and between components, cables, room acoustics et al (and yes I believe for the most part it is a learned skill), I now find it very difficult to sit down and just ENJOY THE MUSIC without always critiquing the presentation. As a matter of fact, a lot of the music that I originally enjoyed when I was among the great unwashed masses, I can't stand listening to anymore. I always thought that at some point the equipment would allow the music to transcend the medium, but regardless of the quality of the presentation, the left brain always whips out the notebook.

Has anyone found a way to stop the madness?
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Showing 1 response by siddh

Jayboard's recommendation of live music may curtail the sin. Unless, of course, you're checking out the imaging and bass definition at the live show. My experience has fluctuated in and out of listening to the components, as opposed to the music. For me the rhythm is the heartbeat and soul. Without a solid expressive bottom end (not exaggerated, bloated or excessively tight) I remain a stereoholic.

The system I presently use offers adequate delineation with music aplenty. Taking account of the recording, this system is capable of presenting a huge soundstage, instrument detail and body, plus the air movement neccessary to experience the bass. I have gone through many component changes, but seem to sacrifice in one area to gain in another. I still too often catch myself critiquing, but more than ever my evenings are spent with the musicians.