Help to chose acoustic

need advice. I've been looking for a speaker system for almost half a year now. listened to quite a few models. three-way systems are a priority, since I believe that three-way systems have less distortion. Harbeth liked the realism of vocals, but pushed the look out. the Wharfedale Linton 85th liked the design, but not the sound. Klipsch Heresy was disappointed by the lack of bass, although it looks attractive. Modern fashion columns are not very interesting, I like the shape like a vintage acoustics, but I'm afraid to take the vintage itself due to possible breakdowns. I'm looking for a speaker system at a price of three and a half thousand dollars. now in confusion, because what you like externally doesn't like by sound, what you like by sound, you don't like externally.

Showing 7 responses by capitanblood

I listened to Harbeth hl5plus. monitor 40 is too expensive for me. I read in some resource with a bias on physics that when the spectrum is divided into bands, it is easier for the speakers to recoup their pieces of the frequency spectrum, so less distortion is introduced.
Yamaha 2000 is amplifier, room 18 square meters. I listen to a lot of instrumental compositions, vocals, a little electronic music
you're right, it seems my ears really chose these English unsightly boxes. I would not want to enroll in the Harbetoman sect, but the vocals in their performance are the most lively. the only thing I don’t understand is why Alan Shaw doesn’t want to improve their appearance, because their ugliness is visible not only to me. thanks.
As far as I know, Atc is very finicky in gain. I have to buy a welding machine to swing them 😏
Thank you for your advice. I am exploring the klh 5 model, but I think it will not be on sale soon. there was a question on the arrangement and color. the arrangement will be as needed for acoustics. picking up color is also not a problem for me. I’m waiting for the start of sales of Klh5, but for now the main applicant is Harbeth 30 or hl5plus.