HELP Synergistic Research Designers Reference Absolute x2 & Solid State Reference cable ID


I inherited some Synergistic Research cables, and I am looking to sell them—BUT I am having a difficult time finding information and pricing on the exact cables. I have done hours of research, but honestly can’t find the exact same models. I find some that look similar, the name is close, but aren’t quite the same thing. The Synergistic Research website is worthless, and they have no customer service.

Here is a link to pictures of the cables

I was hoping to get some info/ and pricing help with the following cables:

1 x Designer’s Reference2 Digital Coax (looks like a superscript 2 almost like squared) .. Designer’s Reference squared

3 x Designer’s Reference2  X-Series balanced interconnects (looks like a superscript 2 as well..squared) Designer’s Reference squared

1 x Synergistic Research Absolute Reference Type I speaker cable

2 x Synergistic Research Solid State Reference Speaker Wire X-series with active shielding


Thanks very much!


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