
Auditioning some Newform 645's which I love. However, as they have broken in, I have begun to notice quite a bit of sibilance which is driving me crazy. It is especially bad with my digital cable, but I first noticed it on Lyle Lovett's new CD which is a great recording. Any comments on what is causing the problem and potential cures would be most appreciated. System: Rotel 991, Rogue 66, MSB Link DAC, Newform R645's and Maggie 1.6's. Thanks, Mike
Lyle Lovett's "Step Inside This House" CD does indeed have a sibilance problem. In other regards it is a very good-sounding recording but I've noticed really objectionable sibilance with that particular recording, especially on disc 2. The problem isn't there on his other CD's, at least with my equipment.
A certain amount of sibilance is to be expected in better and revealing systems because it is something that naturally occurs with many artists, sometimes the engineers cover it and sometimes they don't. I have heard it many times at live performances both in small clubs and large venues and it is not always at the fault of the PA system or sound engineers. Some artists just never master the use of their tongue and teeth. Many people develop sibilance with the adoption of dental plates or false teeth, some people come by it naturally and some people actually go out of their way to acquire this swishy lispy sound in their regular speaking voice. Although I enjoy listening to Diana Krall, she still has along way to go in regard to her S's. A system without any sibilance is also a system without spittle and lip licks, as part of the information on the recording is not reaching your ears. If too much "is" too much then you may try removing the DAC and running the Rotel straight as I have found the Link DAC to be rather crisp or trying a soft but still detailed analog IC like HT Truthlink's or perhaps a different digital IC.
Thanks for all the good input guys. I do believe it is the highly efficient Newforms that are revealing the problem which could be with my amp and digital front end, which while nice budget pieces, probably tend toward the "etched" side. I guess this is the typical high end goose chase. Get a really good new component and realize all the shortcomings of lesser equipment you were happy with before. Can anyone offer me a very cheap tweak that will totally solve the problem? Like Vibrapods and a brick on my preamp? Something tells me this won't be this easy! Mike
Zen: What is your transport and also your cables? Sorry, I thought that the Rotel was your player. Also, I beleive that Doug at this site had or has the Newform's. Doug?
no, i don't have newforms - i'm holding out for a custom pair w/accuton midwoofs replacing the scan-speak revelator midwoofs - these ceramic drivers are even *faster* than the scan-speaks, & i tink they'll mate that much better w/the newforms' electrostatic tweeter.

regarding sibilance, i also find it to be recording-dependent, but i definitely agree that it can get worse as a systems' resolution increases - especially a speakers' resolution. i also think it's partially a product of digital sound. my analog set-up seems less-afflicted... prior to getting a tubed preamp, i had to run my cd-player thru a z-man ase, in order to be able to even listen to digital. but, w/the rogue 66 pre, i'm surprised there isn't the same synergy i found.

perhaps timvis is right - too much negative feedback on yer amp - perhaps the mfr can tell ya how much (if any) there is in the design. my electrocompaniet amps don't seem to have this problem... :>) rotel lists a 991 amp *and* a 991 cd-player - which unit is yours, zenaudio, & what's the other piece?

perhaps also sfar is right, & this recording is particularly bad in this respect. i don't have this specific recording, but i should get it & see - i have just about all lyle lovetts' other albums, & i've seen him live several times, so it would be interesting to hear - i don't think lyle has a sibilance problem normally... i think he has one of the best voices around, ackshully, and great lyrics to boot! ;~)
