Help settle a streaming argument!

This is a SQ argument and is as follows-  I argue if you connect your streamer to an outboard DAC the streamer does not matter it’s just serving the music to the outboard DAC to do the work.  Therefore, buy a basic streamer.  The other is that you need to buy a top quality streamer and DAC to get great SQ. 

I liken it to cd players or the more pretentious cd transport argument- if the intent is to connect to outboard DAC the cd player doesn’t matter the outboard DAC DOES!

features and functionality aside!  Thoughts…..


Showing 2 responses by arafiq

The question that OP posed was answered by many. Now the goal posts are shifted - "but why does it sound better? give me concrete proof!" 


OP -- I think the answer is fairly simple. If you believe streamers don't make a difference and anyone who thinks these things matter in the digital domain is blinded by some kind of a belief system, then stick with what works for you. Buy the cheapest streamer you can find and live happily ever after.