Help setting up cartridge VTA

I have a question about what is the proper angle for the verticle tracking on a stylus? My turntable is a Sota Star Sapphire, the tonearm is a SME IV, and my cartridge is a Benz LO 4. I don't have any documentation for the cartridge and the tonearm, so I thought my analog friends here might help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have adjusted the height of the tonearm a little and found that the results are impresive.

Showing 1 response by nrchy

I also have a Star but I am using a Rega RB 900 with the Benz Glider and I have to use a slightly negative VTA with this combination. You have it much better though since the Rega has no VTA adjustment while the SME is fairly easy to work with. With a nude cartridge setting the VTA is more difficult too. If your Benz has a body you can use the under side of it as a guide. Run the cartridge a little less than parallel to the record surface. Measurements are useless here as very few people will have the tools nessasary to make the measurements. Use your record clamp while doing the adjustment or the lip on the edge of the platter can raise your record ever so slightly. It comes down to the fact that all of these little things are finally settled by ear not measurement. Good luck. Nrchy