Help setting up cartridge VTA

I have a question about what is the proper angle for the verticle tracking on a stylus? My turntable is a Sota Star Sapphire, the tonearm is a SME IV, and my cartridge is a Benz LO 4. I don't have any documentation for the cartridge and the tonearm, so I thought my analog friends here might help. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have adjusted the height of the tonearm a little and found that the results are impresive.

Showing 1 response by aaronm

I respectfully disagree with you. Negative VTA can be necessary with certain cartridges. One example is the Sumiko Celebration, a very musical pearwood cartridge. In its thorough set up guide (complete with diagrams), Sumiko suggests a 1.2 degree negative rake angle for "very fast, dynamic, robust sound," and 1.5 degree negative rake angle for a "more rounded low frequency dynamic structure, less clarity in the midrange, and a reduced high frequency component." In practice, I can tell you, using this cartridge with a Positive VTA, causes it to have a much thinner, less warm sound.

My point of this post is to tell Tony (and others) not to be afraid to try a negative VTA, if it doesn't sound to someone's liking they can change it. Some cartridges are designed for it, even if the Benz may or may not be.

Best Regards,
