Help Select an True Bookshelf Speaker

My son loves his music, and TV, and is not what we would describe as an audiophile. We are in search of speakers that are actually made to sit on bookshelves. So many speakers are rear ported and would not work well. Who out there is using, or have heard, models that are suitable for shelves. Oh, he does not want to break the bank.


Showing 2 responses by tarheel54

Sorry for the lack of detail. I experienced a little brain fade. These will go in a great room of his house, firing out about 18-19 feet, with plenty of outside breathing room. He is using a mid-fi AV receiver at around 75 Watts/Channel. His music tastes are mostly classic rock and blues. He would prefer to stay within $1,200.

Thanks for the responses to date. You guys are the best.



Greetings community, and to all who contributed suggestions. My son son did see the suggestions. He decided on Focal Vestia. They will be supported on the low end with his SVS sub.

Thanks again for all the help.