Help Please With Vintage Amp Selection

Hi all, I have a legacy system which I listen to often and wish to improve upon. I have a Yamaha CA 1000 integrated amp , Luxman Equalizer, Advent Large speakers,and a VPI Cliffwood turntable with a Sumiko cart.  My choices are to get a Yamaha B-2 power amp and hopefully a suitable pre , or a Yamaha Pro 2002m. 

Third choice would be to have my CA1000 completely serviced including possible total recapping. The B-2 scares me because of the Vfet's can't be replaced and I'm not sure about the pro series amp except it seems well thought of. I would appreciate any advice or opinions on the best options. Thanks.


I am assuming you want to keep those Advent Large 2 way speakers. I found a link that indicated they are only 86db 1w/1m

I would want more than your current 70 wpc, so I would not overhaul the existing, rather pick something with more power, and that can be bridged, get a 2nd unit if I wanted even more in the future.

Check the specs, when bridging, often impedance choices become limited.

That for the reply. That might be the problem then. The CA 1000 is only 70 ier side. I can get a Yamaha Pro in good shape and it's 240 per side. Would you find that a good choice? I'd need a pre amp too of course.

Have you considered a MOSFET Yamaha MX-2000? beautiful looking and from what I'm told a beautiful sounding amp. There is also a CX-2000 preamp

I've had both the Yamaha B-1 and the B-2 and they are fantastic amps. But you're right - the only VFETS come from another amp.

Even if you can find VFETS, you have to find out WHY they went bad - the main reason VFETS usually fail is when the protection circuit fails. So then your left with trying to find a competent tech you feel comfortable with to trouble shoot and repair.

Perhaps change to some Vintage Speakers that are a bit more efficient, that would keep the power needs lower so you can continue to use Yamaha for power.

It seems you like Yamaha, I only ever had 1 Yamaha piece, my CR-1040 Receiver, 80wpc, it sure is a winner, it replaced my Tandberg 2080. I use it for my Garage/Shop system, driving two pairs of speakers.

They made a CR-2040, 120 wpc, it’s a beauty IMO, and the rarer CR-3020.

I restored two pairs of 3 way AR-2ax Speakers, the 1st sounded so good, I use them in my office system, then I did a second pair to use with the Yamaha Receiver.

AR-2ax Refurb

I never heard them except in a store, but the AR-3 was highly respected.

I have to believe you would like the sound of 90db 1w/1m AR-2ax or AR-3, either is easier to drive than your Advent Large 2 way 86db

In the photo is the Chase RLC-1, I use it via the Yamaha’s adapter loop to get remote volume and remote mute for Vintage equipment with no remote features.

Thanks I'm for that suggestion. I have thought of new speakers to go with my vintage amp. Have thought hard about the Wharfedale Lintons.

Wharfedale Super Lintons

Vintage product, restore, Legacy Idea or New, current production Inspired by Legacy? You have a lot of options.

Those Littons or the Super Littons are current production, with 8" woofers, and nicely include stands.

the AR-2ax have 10" woofers, the AR-3 and AR-3a have 12" woofers. Here in my office (I especially like that they are 3 ways that fit in a bookcase) and down below in my garage, I am quite happy with the 10" woofers, more active listening I would probably go larger.

I owned AR-2ax’s when in college in the late 60’s, they were stolen, always missed them. Then a thread here inspired me to get/restore a pair for nostalgic reasons, to use when working in my garage.

damn things sounded so good, I preferred them to the Wharfedale 225s I was using here, did the 2nd pair for downstairs, gave the smaller Wharfedales to my son.

I'll ad that I have a B-2 vfet amp.  It wasn't too expensive, it has had extensive service,    and it's easily the best amp I've ever had.