Help Please recommend a 5ch amp around $2000

Well, I making the plunge into surround. I've been a long purist of stereo material, but figure it's time to enjoy movies in surround. This amp will be paired with a newly purchased Cary Cinema 11. Any thoughts, used or new. Top notch 2ch quality is a priority.

This is what I've come up with so far, any opinions? Thanks so much.

Proceed Amp5 used
Krell Showcase 5 used
Sunfire Cinema Grand used
Adcom 7605 new
Rotel 1075 new
Thanks to all. I took the plunge and bought a Cary Cinema 5. Got a good deal. I get it early next week. Can't wait!
Hey casual73 how did the Cary Cinema 5 turn out,I am in the market for a five channel amp,and considering the same amp.It's going to be extreamely difficult going to Mono Classe amps to a all in one chassi amp.

Let's know your thoughts,speaker set up.


I use a Proceed Amp 2 and Amp 3; I assume the Amp 5 is esstentially the same, with each channel having its own power supply and large toroidal transformer. (The Amp 3 is really heavy, so the Amp 5 must be a monster to lift.) I have been very pleased with their excellent neutral sound, free of the distortion some call warmth. They drive a fairly efficient pair of biwired KEF R 104/2s, a 200 C, and a pair of R 102/2 for surrounds; louder than I care to listen is nowhere near clipping, given the amps power bandwidth.

In the past 15 years, these amps, used nearly daily and often for hours at a time, have been completely trouble free. Last year I bought a second Amp 2 for another system. I highly recommend them.
