Help picking a tube preamp, please

Can you suggest a new tube preamp? This is the kind of thing I'm looking for:

-the usual goals for good dynamics and detail, quiet background, uncolored and even tonality and good imaging, but I'm especially keen on articulate bass extension. I frequently listen at lower levels, so appreciate the bass extension.
- small, fine volume-control steps via remote control. This is absolutely key for enjoyment.
- no phono input needed. Actually, only one or maybe two inputs are needed.
- budget $6-7k-ish, new or newer-used. Budgets are mere guidelines.
- must be available for an in-home demo somehow.
- emotionally I prefer point-point wiring, but execution is all that matters.
- if a preamp is sold with more shrill reissue tubes, I can fix that later with some nice NOS ones.

Connected gear: both hi-res and redbook files fed from a CAPS Zuma SoTM server computer into a Hegel HD25 DAC, said preamp into Quicksilver Silver 88 amps with some NOS input tubes and KT150 output tubes driving Sonus Faber Elipsa SE speakers, all wired up with Kimber 1026, 1126, and 6065 hybrid cabling.

Thanks much, Ralph

Showing 5 responses by ralpheburns

Mattmiller -

How finely does the remote volume control step? I ask because I wondered the same for the ModWright 36.5 model and found this:
Hello Agoners,

I really appreciate all the input, and reckon that we are all more lost without each other! There are some good suggestions to start; Cary SLP-05 gets frequently suggested, BAT, Herron and VTL. Curiously nobody mentioned Aesthetix. The 10Y arises curiousity... I couldn't find about costs. A suggestion had me thinking in a tangent...

Since my sole source is digital, then how about leaving out the preamp in favor of a DAC with a proper analog volume control? I don't need source selection, and can still consort with Tonywinsc about NOS tubes in my Quicksilver Silver power amps. My source is a PCM/DSD library from JRiver on a micro Zuma SoTM CAPs. Selling my current SS preamp and PCM DAC will net around $7500, funds that can be recycled into a PCM/DSD DAC with a proper volume control.

A potential candidate is the MSB Analog DAC, which does all this and potentially offers upgrade capacity. The volume control is 1db (78) stepped-attenuator. There's someone selling their Herron VTSP-3Ar02 here on A'gon because they did the same exact thing. Thoughts?
Ok, I'll keep Herron in mind. Tho I think my next step is to try some DAC with volume control. MSB Analog DAC? A Lampizator?
Hi folks,

I first considered the C-J... they are hybrid... I was told they had a particular coloration.

Still, since I have a single source, a digital library, I could consider a DAC with a good pre out. Is that an oxymoron? Bad move? I email one owner of the MSB Analog DAC who loved the sound but did have reliability problems.

I did order at no risk the new Vinnie Rossie LIO; has a tube stage and DAC with off-grid supply. Might it be a step down for me? It will be here around the first of the year, so I ought to get some other preamps in for comparison. Maybe the ET5, maybe Herron. Nobody mention Aesthetix...
Hello again A'goners!

Still interested in what y'all have to say about a preamp; I'm been searching around for options. Recall that my sole source is SoTM USB digital, and any preamp I get must have small-step remote volume control to fit my music library and lifestyle. I have a wonderfully sounding Hegel P30 preamp for sale that does not have small remote volume steps. I’m seeking a well-toned tube preamp that has articulate bass grip. I also now have a library of DSD files so might consider replacing my PCM-only DAC in the process. Here’s my current list of preamps and DAC+pre’s to audition:

Aesthestix Calypso Signature (perhaps Callisto?)
Vinnie Rossie LIO, arriving in January. Shootout planned then!
Audio Research REF5SE
Grace M905 DAC w/ volume
MSB Analog DAC w/ volume
Auralic Vega – DAC only

Here’s some others that haven’t made the short list but could:
Lampizator 4 w/ 64 step preamp. But apparently requires manual DSD/PCM switching.
Allnic L3000 $12k 41 steps, 14 or 20db gain
Purity Reference 1db steps, $12.5k; also single-ended Foundation model coming soon
Balanced Audio Technology VK-33SE? 0.5db steps
Herron VTSP-3A(r02) - funny but a seller of this pointed me to the MSB Analog DAC.
Zesto Leto – TAD speakers with these sounded best of my short tour of RMAF. Gaudy styling!

Correct me if I’m wrong on any of these. So many well-reputed preamps without any volume remote:
First Sounds
Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe $6K
Vacuum State
Thomas Mayer’s 10Y Linestage

Other remote-controlled preamps are out because they do not have small steps:
Audio Horizon TP2.3 Linestage (PCM only DAC?)
Musica Bella
Music First Audio
Nagra Jaz
Prima Luna Dialogue Premium
Audio Valve Eklipse; motorized Alps pot