I would do the 30 day trial with the $7000 Placette Audio Active Linestage. It pretty much is the answer for your requirements. "good dynamics and detail, quiet background, uncolored and even tonality and good imaging, but I'm especially keen on articulate bass extension. I frequently listen at lower levels, so appreciate the bass extension."
The bass is simply stunning. It is unity gain so if you don't need gain in a line stage it will have a distinct advantage. http://www.stereophile.com/solidpreamps/1107pla/index.html
A friend has this and the bass is unbelievable. I recently implemented their totally passive remote volume control in my Loesch preamp and the bass improvement was stunning.
No tubes in this unit, but since it is transformer based, no solid state either.
The bass is simply stunning. It is unity gain so if you don't need gain in a line stage it will have a distinct advantage. http://www.stereophile.com/solidpreamps/1107pla/index.html
A friend has this and the bass is unbelievable. I recently implemented their totally passive remote volume control in my Loesch preamp and the bass improvement was stunning.
No tubes in this unit, but since it is transformer based, no solid state either.