HELP One pair for $2k Recommendations Please

I have $2k set aside for a pair of floorstanding FULL RANGE speakers. Subwoofer in the near future. I've done a ton of research and seem to get nowhere. I currently have an Adcom GFA555II amp (200w/ch RMS), and Denon Receiver to power the new speakers.

I mainly listen to rock and jazz. 2-Channel is more important to me that HT.

Here's what I'm looking for in speakers...and not necessarily in order of preference.

1. Musical accuracy.
2. Able to play at loud levels (I like to sometimes FEEL the music)
3. Nice bass extension.
4. Clear highs and mids.
5. Good build quality.

Suggestions anyone? The 2k mark is the magic number.

Find a used pair of Energy Veritas 2.4i's. I've owned speakers that cost over 10K and these are better in almost every respect.
In my humble opinion, you should consider Polk Audio LSi 15 speakers. The LSi series is Polk's high-end and God-sent answer to audiophiles who would prefer to spend their money on frivolous things like food, clothing, and college educations. Lot's or reviews on the Web, and also a few interesting discussions here on Audiogon.They go deep, have crystal highs due to their great tweeter, and are gorgeous to boot.A bit on the large side à 45'' high, but they are slim so that they do blend well. This is no flimsy tower you can knock over just touching it. I own these, and they are amazing for the price, will smoke many speakers at 2-3 times the price.
Good luck!
Why not spend a $1000 on a used pair of floor standers and spend the rest on a preamplifier. Then sell the reciever and then buy yourself a subwoofer. Speakers to try in my opinion are Triangles, Quad L series, B&W, JM Lab and Dynaudio. Also maybe try spending time at your local dealers and see what they have.