Help on Optimizing Dedicated PC as Music Server

Just finished assembling a PC to be used as a dedicated music server with a minimalist approach. Parts include:

intel i7 4470k 3.5Ghz, MSI Z87-G45 motherboard with(build-in S/pdif output), 2 x 4GB DDR Corsair RAM, Antec Mid tower, 120GB SSD HD for OS, 3TB HD for music storage, Corsair CX500 PS.

Window 7 Pro service pack 1, 64 bit. Have not updated after fresh OS installation. Do I need to?
JRiver ver.19. Gizmo & JRiver for Android Tablet

Here are my concerns:

- should i do/or need to do a Windows update
- should I use JPlay with JRiver
- are there settings that I need to change/perform on the PC to make the most for audio
- any "tweaks" that can be done to lower noise, vibration,...etc to improve performance/SQ
- do I need a sound card

My DAC is a the vulnerable Mark Levinson 360, capable to (24/96kHz). For now I plan to connect directly to motherboard output S/pdif. Will entertain USB/S/pdif converter at a later time.

Thank you.

Showing 1 response by goulsonc

As stated above, the best way is to use server 12 with audiophile optimizer to avoid having to make all the changes to your OS. Optimizer does it all .
I will comment on your last question. I have almost the identical system that I built. I was fairly happy with it as is but then decided to get rid of realtek on board sound
drivers and installed an ASUS Xonar essentials STX sound card and used the optical and digital RCA instead. The result was a big improvement over the mobo sound. I also found the optical and RCA digital to be better sound than the USB to DAC. The only problems is in the usage of JRiver and Xonar as some settings are duplicates and some don't play well together but once it was all set up it sounds great.