Help newb figure out the best route for new setup

Hi, I'm thinking of making the jump from digital to analog. I've never had or used a phonoplayer before. There are quite a few things to consider when buying phono gear. Since this is a brand new setup i thought it would be great to hear what you guys think is the best route to go and what to stay away from.

Im coming from using CD's and flac files through a Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2.

What is a good brand model table?
Would you go MC or MM and why?
Thing to look for? Options, upgrades etc...
I need it to sound better then my current setup with the W4S DAC2 otherwise what is the point. In fact its gotta sound ALOT better for around the same price. Otherwise convenience, and cost for new music just doesnt make sense.

What do you guys think?

If you are willing to go used, you can easily match and exceed your digital front end for $1500. A Sota Star with arm and cartridge can usually be found under that. A Cambridge 640p recommended above is a good, inexpensive choice. or McCormack Micro Phono. Dynavector 17d or 23r cartridge, Benz Micro Glider, Sumiko Talisman, AT404, and many other cartridges from the 80s still play and sound very good.
If you have to go new, the only thing close to that price that would beat your digital front end is probably Rega 3, or Project turntable.
I'm not sure either would 'out do' the other; they'd just be different IMO. Preferable is a different matter though. Also keep in mind that the same album can have better or worse production on vinyl vs CD.

I've got a $1k DAC and a $1k-ish vinyl setup. They're different. Which is better is heavily dependant on my mood.