Help needed.

OK - I was originally going to purchase a C.J. Premier 18 Pre-Amp based on the suggestions of a local high end audio dealer. This Sunday - I brought back my test disks to listen and my purchase decision had changed drastically.

The Premier 18 sounded fabulous on the mids - warm and sweet. However, the highs were a little bright for my taste - almost harsh of Reference Recordings "Pomp and Pipes" The bass also seemed lacking quite a bit on Reference Recordings "Tutti" disk - Stravinski Fire Bird.

Next we moved on to a Krell KRC-3 - while the Bass was more present, it still didn't feel right. The highs were strident and ringy - especially on "Pomp and Pipes" and Wynton Marsalis - "Music for Baroque Trumpet" (a 24 bit recording).

However...we then hooked up a C.J. PV-14L and the magic started happening. The mids were warm and sweet - just the way I like them. But now the bass (esp. the Bass Drum slams in the Fire Bird) - felt penetrating (how the Tube CJ did this better than the Krell I don't know). The highs were also very nice - in fact this pre made me want to listen to more and more.

So my questions - what have you all heard about the CJ PV-14L? Am I making a mistake? Should I listen to other pre's before making the plunge into tubes? What should I know about tubes before making the plunge - as I have no 'tube' experience at all.

Any help from the group will be appreciated!

buy the cj and laugh all the way home. it will be a great little preamp for you. also why not try a tube amp as well. you will be hooked for sure then. you also do not need near as much power when you run tubes vs ss. welcome aboard.
CJ makes good tube equipment. There are other companies out there that are also good. It's up to your ears. DON'T BE AFRAID OF TUBES, THEY WON'T BITE! I FIND THEM USER FRIENDLY.
Good luck.
I have listened to several Different Pr-Amps and when I heard the CJ premier 16MKII, that became my new Pre-Amp. Sound is great. This tube unit has very wide full sound stage with deep controled base. This tells me tubes can do it. Not sure how, but is for real. If you like the CJ sound may want to check out the 16MKII as well. Good luck
If you find a tubed unit that you like the sound of, buy THAT specific one. Tell the dealer that you want THAT one and tell him to take into account that it is a demo. If he wants to make the sale, he'll work with you. He might not have a demo unit until he can get another one in, but it is better to have an empty spot in the rack than to miss a sale.

Keep in mind that tubes don't last forever and you may have to replace them sometime down the road. As such, the sound of the unit WILL change. Luckily, tubes in pre's can last a LONG time, so this isn't something that you should worry about for some time to come. Sean

In all of this discussion, nobody has mentioned alternatives in the realm of tube preamps. Have you listened to VTL, Audible Illusions or the price champ Antique Sound Labs?

I find CJ over-rated and I used to sell it. Very good gear, just not reference to my ears. And unless they've changed their design philosophy, they tend to overdrive the tubes ensuring premature costly replacement.

Won't even discuss Krell here as they only anger me with their philosophy of design and marketing.

Everybody is right about trusting your ears. You are the only one who has to live with it. And no dealer is worth their salt if they won't allow you to borrow a demo of such an expensive item before purchase. Borrow that sucker!!