Help needed to set up an analog system

I want to set up an analog system from scratch after a few nothing but thrilled vinyl cf CD experience. However, I'm a total nut here. Anyone know any good resources/reference/literature like 'Analog system ABC' or 'Analog system for dummies' etc cause I've heard of all those pains in the neck in setting up a vinyl system after hearing all these scary jargons such as hard/soft suspension, antiskating, VTA,... etc. Just hope to learn the basics before field work. Appreciate all inputs.

Showing 5 responses by spskan

Thanks for reply. Don't have generous budget, probably around 3k for TT, tonearm and catridge. Recommendations welcome. Still, I would like to get any relevant literatures (preferrably on web) that explain the ABC to set up a system properly. Lately I'm come across too many terms which I really need to figure out what they are before I could sleep tight.
Oops, sorry, I forgot my password while starting this thread and used the email address instead. Sorry for any confusion. I finally got it back and use back the member's ID...
Prs123: Thanks very much for the advice. I'll sure 'pay' you the consulting fee after my set up is done :0) BTW, Do you mean Robert Hartley's "Guide to Hi End" (correction pls!) the one thick as a telephone directory has the ABC to analog?
Dan, thanks a million. I've printed that out and will study them while taking a train. A good altenative to taking a nap.
Oops, sorry Detlof and Dan, I remember clearly rated "Great" on both your useful feedbacks but don't know how it turned out to be 2+2?! Forget that and you guys have my best ratings together with Prs123. Thanks.