Help needed regarding purchase of Amp Stands.

I've stuck my toe into the world of Monoblocks, and because my current shelving dictates the amps will "live" on the floor I need to buy a pair of amp stands.

Can the forum please share it's knowledge re what to look for in a pair of quality stands. Brand recommendations welcome, too. Thanks.
I use monoblocks and have them on solid oak stands with cones coupling each stand to the floor. Looks great and works well. They are available from multiple sources such
as timbernation.
check out adona racks here on agon. I am a satified adona customer. their racks are adaptable to any situation and prices are reasonable.
I have a tube amp that sits on an SRA stand specifically designed for the amp, and it makes a big difference. (My wife immediately concurred, upon hearing it.) I was lucky enough to find it here -- the SRA stands can be a little pricey. I am a satisfied owner.

Good luck.
I personally use HRS stands:

Others have reported good results with Sistrum stands:
And others have reported good results with Critical Mass stands, though pricey.