Try some good recording to see if the result is the same.listen to your friend system to see if your ears will react the same like your system.My friend has a dirty tweeter on his B&W speakers when the tech clean them ? Problem solve. He went to audiologist twice. Ears ok.
Help, my system seem to have slowly gotten " bright"
I have all all of the same stuff for several years and it has always sounded awesome. Lately thought it has gotten where some of the higher frequencys have like a shrill to them. It kinda breaks up at louder volumns but is noticable at lower ones too. I have swapped amps out, preamps too but no change.
Really the only thing left is the player which is a 7 year old sony hapzeis. the only thing i have is a cheap cd player that is like 25 years old to compare. This player has a hard drive with all lossless music on it. It has an onboard DAC too.
Has anyone expierenced anything like this where a source or a dac degraded like this instead of just quitting altogather ?