Help -- my system is too bright

Recently, I upgraded my amplifier to a Krell FPB 350 MCX. I am getting amazing detail and clarity, bass is
tight and extended. I turned off my sub-woofer. The highs are also extended, but now my system seems to have a bright edge at the very top and is slightly fatiguing. Anybody else have this type of problem? What did you do about it?

Showing 10 responses by rsbeck

I appreciate the interesting feedback.

The old amp was an anthem MCA-50, which I still use
for the Center and Surrounds. It was a nice mellow amp, but not as detailed or extended as the Krell. I bought the Krell used, so I'm assuming it was broken in by the previous owner, but it may need more break-
in time. I am using a Proceed AVP2 pre-amp and a Yamaha s2300 Universal Player.

Does "digital hash" or noisy AC cause high end brightness?
WVick --

I'm curious. Did you do anything to clean up your AC?

I have ordered a BP-3.5 from Balanced Power Technologies
and I am dying to see what kind of difference this makes.

I will post a review after I get it in my system, which
will take a few weeks.

I love my speakers, but I have also auditioned the
Watt/Puppy 7's and loved them. I can imagine how
the Krells and WP 7's would make a great pairing.

I have not heard the WP 6's, but I keep an eye on the
Wilson page for a deal on a pair. I'm not ready to spring
for the price of new WP 7's, but for the price of a
used pair of 6's, I may just have to get a pair into
my system and play with 'em.

How close are the 6's to the 7's?

Also, how long did it take to burn in your Krells?
Dweller --

There's no doubt the Krell's are exposing some bad
recordings. They have also given new life to others.
So far, it has been a nice trade-off.

Bob --

I just ordered the Balanced Power Techonology
BP-3.5 [About 30 minutes ago] to clean up my AC,
so hopefully, I can eliminate dirty AC as the problem.

Sogood --

Excellent point. The Universal player is definitely the
weak link in the chain. I've been mulling over CD
players. Suggestions?
Duke --

Thanks for the suggestion. The Krell FPB 350 MCX's
have dedicated Power Cords, so it isn't an option to
swap PC's on the Krells.
Zaikesman --

My speakers are Monitor Audio Studio 60's. I am using
12 AWG 99.999% OFC Speaker cables.
Bob --

The AC filter is ordered and on the way. Might take a few weeks, but when I get it, I will post a review.

Here is the URL for Balanced Power Technologies


I ordered the BP-3.5

I have read that people get results from Filtered PC's
on their digital sources. The Yamaha has a detachable
power cord, but the PC on the Yamaha is only a two
pronger -- what do you make of that?

In any case, I will keep the Yamaha for it's DVD
capability, but I am looking to upgrade my CD
player and then -- is a filtered PC redundant if
you are plugging it into a filter?

I am open to CD player suggestions.

Been reading great things about the Audio Aero Mark II.

Finally, when someone says a speaker wire "rolls
off the top end" -- how is that achieved?

Anyone know the science behind that?
Onhwy61 --

There's no mesh tweeter guard on the Studio 60's, but
you have a point with regard to off-axis listening. There
does seem to be less fatigue. I have been experimenting
with the toe-in. These speakers seem to sound good no
matter where you are in the room, or even whether you're
in the next, room, etc. You've piqued my interest in
the "ultrasonic ringing." This feels right. How did you find out about it? What causes it? How do I get rid
of it? In addition to other remedies, I'm thinking about some room treatments.

Z-Man -- interesting stuff.

Right now, I am going on the assumption that my amps
need a little more break-in time, my AC needs to be
cleaned up, my room needs a little treatment, and that
it is possible that some of the fatigue is being caused
by room resonances mixed with a little AC distortion
and low level noise from the Universal player amplified
and passed on by the extra sensitive amps, and possibly
even by simply hearing more detail accross a wider spectrum
than that to which I have become accustomed.

If more break-in time, a high end AC isolator and filter,
some room treatment and a new CD player don't solve the
problem, which -- remember -- is slight to begin with --
I will have to consider other alternatives.

I appreciate all the interesting information y'all have offered -- I have learned a few things from this discussion.

Noble -- thanks for the suggestion. Have you heard the
Ayre? How does it compare with, say, the Audio Aeros,
Naims, and Tri-vistas of the world? Tell me what you
like about it.