Help my analog sound as good as my streaming

Hi all - total newcomer here, really enjoying the forum and looking for some advice.

Relevant details: Pro-ject Debut Carbon EVO w/ stock Sumiko Rainer cartridge, into a Hegel H95 via a Parasound Zphono XRM. It sounds great-ish, but doesn’t blow me away like Qobuz via Bluesound Node 2i into the Hegel DAC. I’ll acknowledge that this entire system has a lot of room to improve in the eyes of many here - while I suppose I’ll eventually want to upgrade, I am absolutely thrilled with the streaming sound for now. 
Question: is the cartridge the weak link here, or am I expecting too much out of the PDC EVO? If the former, does the Ortofon Bronze seem a good option?

Many thanks for any suggestions/thoughts!

Showing 1 response by mrklas

Everyone can have an opinion and some are may be more valuable to you than others.

Perhaps mine may be constructive.

I initially created my 2 channel stereo as a purely analog experience.  I used an NAD C375 BEE integrated amp and connected a Dual turntable and a Parasound tape deck.

I have a few hundred albums from the 70-90s as well as numerous cassette tapes.

I found the listening experience enjoyable.  I even upgraded my turntable to a Rega RP1.

Then about 2 years ago I added a Node 2i to the system.  It was significantly different and one specific area it was different was the volume was significantly louder (the internal preamp in the NAD is entry level).  I also found it easier to access more music from streaming.

Ultimately, I have updated my system including my turntable and I will say they are different and my goal in updating my turntable was to create a listening experience that was an acceptable alternative to my streaming sources.

I'm very happy with my Rega P8 and truly enjoy listening to a variety of records including new pressings.  Does it sound better than streaming - perhaps to some and maybe not to others.  But an improved analog system will provide a lower noise floor (it's quiet where my previous turntable provided some low level hum), better dynamic response (partially due to the quieter operation) and finally the music information doesn't require conversion.

I listen to streaming music about 50% of the time - it's more convenient when others are present.  Listening to records is something I will often do alone because I find it relaxing.

What ever you decide to do - it's your choice and I hope you get enjoyment out of it.  Previous folks comments about the impact of a table, cartridge and phono stage are accurate - they are things to consider if you wish to go on an upgrade path.