Help my analog sound as good as my streaming

Hi all - total newcomer here, really enjoying the forum and looking for some advice.

Relevant details: Pro-ject Debut Carbon EVO w/ stock Sumiko Rainer cartridge, into a Hegel H95 via a Parasound Zphono XRM. It sounds great-ish, but doesn’t blow me away like Qobuz via Bluesound Node 2i into the Hegel DAC. I’ll acknowledge that this entire system has a lot of room to improve in the eyes of many here - while I suppose I’ll eventually want to upgrade, I am absolutely thrilled with the streaming sound for now. 
Question: is the cartridge the weak link here, or am I expecting too much out of the PDC EVO? If the former, does the Ortofon Bronze seem a good option?

Many thanks for any suggestions/thoughts!

Showing 2 responses by mijostyn

Analog will never be as accurate as streaming high resolution digital to a fine system (vs streaming to Sonos speakers). This says nothing about sound quality. The analysis of such depends more on the individual than the system or program source.
1+ mikelavigne. Best advice so far. There are some people who do not have a long history with vinyl who are just not going to like the inconvenience and the ticks and pops. Until you find yourself overwhelmed by an analog set up stick with your streaming which you are obviously impressed with. Analog costs a lot more money and for some it is just not worth it. Even many of the older audiophiles have offloaded their analog set up and listen only to digital sources. There are many ways to love and listen to music. There is no one right way.