Help me with Speakers Now plz.

First I'd like to thank all the people for the suggestions, email's and kind encouragement i've received over the years. I've cancelled 2 magazine subscriptions since finding this place. It was only about 12month's ago that I understood what is so elusive in Hifi. People like Bwhite and FatCatAudio helped me understand that I'm trying to build MY sonic heaven and nobody elses.

The final peice to this puzzle are my speakers. I decided to build from the source out, knowning that a large quantity of speakers were out there when I wanted to upgrade.

I use threads like these to sort of guide myself to a product then try and listen to it (if a dealer is local) and widdle out the weeds.

My present system -

Museatex (JW modded / actually it was his) CD-D Transport
Museatex (JW modded w/ BlackGates) Bitstream DAC
Krell 400xi Intergrated
Polk Audio LSi9 speakers
Speaker wire - Audience Maestro Bi-Wire
Interconnects - Harmonic Tech prosilway mk II's
PC's and power - Blue Circle, Moray James

Musical Tastes -

Led Zepplin
The Band
The Stone Roses
The Clash
Massive Attack
Chemical Brothers
The Flaming Lips
Miles Davis
Dave Brubeck

The criteria -

Full to almost full range speaker. Be it bookshelve or floorstanders. A smaller footprint is always nicer.

My Polk Audio speakers are very laid back. I like this but I require a deeper soundstage and a more "I'm there" approach to the music. Bass is currently there in heaps but could be more dynamic. I'm willing to sacrafice the laid back treble for more detail.

I wouldn't call it listening sessions. I'm not classy enough to light up a stoogie and drink a single malt. That's why I use digital and an intergrated, the ease of use. I like a beer, I like to play the air guitar. Music is fun. I sometimes like it loud.

Budget $2-3K used or new.

Thanks again guys.
I'm sure you would get a better response if you didn't spell please plz!This sort of thing really annoys us grumpy old men.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Ariel, Dynaudio or even Gallo's. I have thought about a Hales speaker for some time, but can't find any to listen too.
Thanks for the responses so far, please keep them coming. The room is roughly 12x15. Thanks Elevick and Beemer for the suggestions but I'm not sure a Monitor will give me the dynamics and impact I'm seeking. A subwoofer isn't an option i'm looking forward too. I haven't tested some of the newest room correction designs from Velodyne but I'm skeptical to say the least.
Get Zu Druids and never look back! $2800 with a 60 day money-back guarantee. Your musical tastes are similar to mine, and they sound great cranked up with a digital source and SS amplification (the stereo is cranked up, not me). But the beauty is that they also sound very good at low volume levels, too. Just remember to break them in for at least 200 hours at a loud volume before critical listening.
The revels may work for you. However, I'd rather see you in a used pair of B&W 805's with a nice subwoofer-just a little more laid back than the revels and maybe easier on your amp.
I like a lot of the same music. I started in this the other way. I heard a pair of Audio Physic Virgo's and had no idea that music could sound like that. For $2,000 you can get a pair of used Virgo's. Take 5 sounds so much better when it fills up the room! Have fun and good listening
I like a lot of the same music. I started in this the otherr way. I heard a pair of Audio Physic Virgo's and had no idea that music could sound like that. For $2,000 you can get a pair od used Virgo's. Take 5 sounds so much better when it fills up the room! Have fun and good listening
I have albums from every one of the bands you listed. I have tried a number of speakers and really enjoy my JM Lab 926s. They aren't laid back but they aren't in your face either - just the right balance IMO and have refinement and detail to die for.

I also love my Triangles but they may not please the average American listener so I try not to suggest them too often. But as far as sounding "live," the Triangles are much better at it than the 926s.

You don't say how big your room is. You may need 936s if you have one bigger than say 230 sq. ft.
My personal favorite in that range is PSB Stratus Gold. Big, dynamic floorstander but might be a tad bright in your sytem.

Second hand Hales and Dunlavys are going for good prices because they went out of business but consider the shipping for these heavyweights. Your music indicates that bigger would be better.
Nice taste in music, and I appreciate your wit.

I don't know how big your room is, but in your price range used you could pick up a pair of Revel Gems and stands. Get a pair with the Revel stands, best fit and sound.
Small speaker, BIG sound. I have a pair in a second system.

Music is fun for me too, and I like it loud. :-O


Paul :-)