help me with a DAC decision please

i'm looking to upgrade my wadia DAC. My first choice would be to have it also act as my pre. My mind could be changed on that however. I am looking seriously at the April Music Eximus. Does any of the Metrum offerings fit in here? I  need some help finding comparative models from other makers. There is no place for me to see any close by. I have to wing it off of the web and your recommendations. I do not object to buying used.My budget would probably be under 3 grand new or used.
thanks for all the help

Showing 3 responses by dpm2340

thanks hgeifman
that's a lot of helpful information. i will do the research. listening is a different story. i will check out all your info. thanks for taking your time.
whitestix you may be right. that's why i am asking for help. i definitely want to move up not sideways. as far as the need to change. . .  it's the addiction I guess. and i am also adding a network player. i want to make sure i have the best for the better files. thanks
ok a used april music DAC came up for sale and i bought it. i checked in to each and every suggestion. i want to thank all of you. hopefully when i need help in the future i can come away with the same amount of help. thanks