Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.



Showing 1 response by jpwarren58

 Listen to the song In a Sentimental Mood he does with Duke Ellington. If Coltrane still evades your soul only MP3 for you!
I appreciated your Picasso argument. At some point subjective reaction can appear to betray laziness and/or suspect pre-conditions. You feel guilt.
The distinction between appreciation and beauty and truth
Axiology. Asthetics. 
Jazz is music of Individuality first and foremost. Free to feel. So as an individual there is some jazz I dig, and some I just tune out. Hoisted on its on raison d'existence.