Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.



Showing 1 response by hodu

Suppose one were to suggest that Coltrane, like all the jazz greats, is not only playing the song, but is also playing with the song at the same time. I'd suggest listening to "Summertime" as a great example. At points, it's "Summertime," the tune you know, but at others, it's Coltrane doing his thing with it. Until it's "Summertime" again.
I'd suggest not thinking too much, but just grooving as the man makes his way.
-- Howard