Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.



Showing 1 response by ethiessen1

To keep it simple, Coltrane on Atlantic is easier on the ears than the later material on ABC/Dunhill/MCA. In music theory classes way back when, the tune Spiral off of Giant Steps was offered an an example of defining a physical shape/attribute with sound. If you like that, the rest of the album should interest you, followed by the My Favorite Things album.