Help me understand John Coltrane .... seriously.

Hi Everyone,
Listen I have a favor to ask, and those of you better educated in Jazz can help me.

I always have a tough time listening to John Coltrane. It's like he's talking a different language.
Can any of you point me to recordings I should listen to on Tidal or Quboz or whatever that set me up to better appreciate the man?

Thank you for the musical education.



Showing 1 response by danvignau

One must appreciate the history of half century old jazz to get these artists.  From the same time period, I simply don't get doo-wop, country and western, old rock and roll, or any smooth jazz that arose from this AM car radio era.
My boy did learn to like Coltrane and Miles, despite his phishheadenness, but don't wory about it, especially on streaming devices.  The selection that gets streamed is based on algorhythyms that pander to what is listened to by the most idiots.Additionally, my appreciation of these old jazz artists is that they make great, low level, party background music, if you like old Broadway show tunes, plus of course their importance in the history of jazz for white people.