Help me understand cartridge alignment

I have a Ortofon Bokrand AB309 arm and I'm using a Royal N cartridge set up using Baewald geometry using the Feickert protractor. It's sounds awesome. I also have an Ortofon SL15 and I put it a cartridge and weighted it so I can swap it out for the Royal N any time without adjustment. The thing is, I don't have the right headshell for the SL15 yet so it can only line up like 5MM short on the Feickert. It also sounds great. So why is this? It doesn't line up with Stevenson or Lofgren. It's just off the grid and yet it's fine. I don't understand.


Showing 4 responses by dhcod

I do have a Fidelity Research headshell on the way that has enough adjustability to make for correct alignment. 

I guess I expected to hear the distortion if it was off by that much which is the point of the question.

I'm interested to see if there is any sound difference when the proper alignment is achieved with the new headshell.

Hey Greg- as a person who will no doubt based on family history begin to have a decline in hearing soon, I do appreciate every moment I can enjoy music!

Thanks for your post. Hope you have a great holiday season!

I think the arm must be off somehow. I've explored every option. Tomorrow I'm going to adjust the PTS by 2.5mm (I measure today) so an SPU will hit Baerwald exactly.

A 2.2mm shift in the mounting hole dropped the SPU I have right into place for Baerwald geometry. While I thought the sound was great with it off by the 2.2MM (I know I said 5 but I was wrong in the end) it turns out that it's better properly aligned.

I didn't really notice because even improperly aligned, the new 401 w/SPU is so much better than my old setup!