Help me spend $3000 on a used amp

I am setting aside up to $3000 for a good used stereo or mono block amps.

I have efficient speakers so the power does not have to be abundant but enough to run. The room is not big nor small so at least 100 watts plus should be efficient.

To mono block or not??? I have been debating that question.

I would like to have XLR imputs.

Showing 1 response by tarp38

Bryston 3BSST2 if you are limited in space. Bryston 4BSST2 if you need the extra power and you have more room. Both amps are dual mono. At your budget,these amps can be obtained on the used market with many years of warranty remaining. Bryston upgraded both of these amps. A call to Bryston and the ever gracious James Tanner will provide the serial numbers when the upgrades began. Bryston has excellent customer support and honors second owner warranty if the original sales slip is included. A worry free way of buying used audio gear.