Help me solve another speaker hum thread :)

My dealer recently installed a set of Sonus Faber Aida’s with 2x McIntosh MC901 monoblocks. I also have 4x dedicated lines.

The problem is I have have hum in both speakers (hum in the midrange only. The tweeter makes a different noise but I read that’s more normal?) One speaker is louder than the other. Neither changes with volume. The louder one can be heard at about 6 inches away, the quieter one needs my ear as close as possible to faintly hear anything. Sound from both is 50hz maybe 60hz hum. Both monoblocks also make a slight mechanical buzz that can be heard about 6 inches away.

If I have only one speaker, speaker cables, and monoblock powered (nothing else connected, powered, or even plugged in), it still makes the hum.

I have tried using a cheater plug for possible ground loop, also a DC blocker. Neither made any difference. What do you guys think the issue could be? Bad tubes?

Do I need to send the amps back? Or just live with it? I don’t hear from listening position or anything. Thanks in advance.

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Showing 1 response by oldhvymec

The first thing I would do is make sure the cables are routed correctly. It sounds like cables are plugged, dropped and forgot. 1/2 the time I can fix noise in a system with routing cables at 90 degree crossing and nothing closer than 1/2". Over, under or along side. I’ve done it that way for 45+ years. My systems are OLD and new all have no noise (not low) NO NOISE. You pick the source and turn it all the way up. If you stay still and don’t jump up and down in the room with the TT selected even that is quiet. ALL valves too. C20, ZP3, V12R. Dark background..

I’d look there first.. Tubes be careful what you have close to what.. Power supplies from Laptops and Cable boxes can be noisy too.

220/40 is an option too for the 901s and use the balanced side. What are you using for a Pre and Source?
