Help me pick a tube amp for Thiel 2.4's

I am debating between three amps for my Thiel 2.4

Rogue 120 or 150
Manley Snapper or
Quicksilver V4

Do you think any of these will have enough power? What are the sonic characteristics of these amps? The Thiel's seem to want warmth in the midrange and highs. These amps are in my price range but other recommendations are also appreciated .

Showing 1 response by jallen

Try to find a Music Reference RM 200 or RM9 MKII. They are both superb sounding amps with the ability to drive virtually any reasonable speaker. The Quicksilver V4 is also good as is the VAC 100wpc amp. The Thiel does like warmth. For solid state, try a Rowland Concentra II or the new monoblocks. Jallen