Help me pick a great phono cable

Good people of Audiogon:

I'm ready to buy a phono cable for my vinyl front end, and I'd like some suggestions. Budget is no more than $1000.00, but preferably on the lower side. So far, I've used only cheap / no-name interconnects for this application, and now I'd like to make some improvements by upgrading. It's a VPI turntable, and so has the standard RCA connections. I'm thus looking for a phono cable with RCA terminations. Moving in the direction of better resolution, detail, and soundstage would be ideal.

Full system is listed here and includes Dynavector XX2 MKII cartridge -> VPI JMW 10.5i > VPI Aries 2 Black Knight turntable > McIntosh C2300 preamplifier (using its MC phono stage).

Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks for any thoughts on the subject.

Showing 1 response by tubed1

Another tweeky option. There is no better phono cable than no phono cable. Better resolution, detail, and soundstage can be had quite simply, less is more when you are talking about RCA connections. so eliminate that extra set!. Spend the bucks on a tone arm re-wire all the way to your phono inputs, if and only if this is an arm you will be living with for a while. Yes, do keep it as short as possible and you will be amazed.