Help me find a smooth solid-state amp?

I'm currently in the market for a *smooth* solid state amp (~100-150wpc into 8ohms) to mellow out an exceedingly bright system. I currently have an Adcom GFA-5400 with Adcom preamp and Soliloquy 5.0 monitors. Front end is a Pioneer DVD/CD player. Any suggestions as to what brands I should check out? Names off the top of my head include: Aragon, Classe, Bryston, and McCormack. I'm not too sure of the actual models I should try out. I'm also not averse to buying used items. Thanks. dd
Consider adding a used Bel Canto DAC1 ($750?) and make your DVD player a transport. (Or another quality dac.) I was never able to get past the digital "edge" until I got to this level of reproduction, (I have a Pioneer DV 525 toslinked to the DAC1.) Easy to resell DAC1 here if you don't agree. Charlie
You should consider a Sim Audio Moon W-3. This is about as smooth as it gets. I also concur on the Bel Canto DAC-1
Borrow another CD player to make sure where your problem is. Carefully take care of all the basics in your room (THE most significant component of your systems sound). Then LISTEN to other things. Bright and smooth are very subjective terms. Audition a Classe Amp. I run Classe with Maggies and they are a good match. Plenty of punch and "smooth" on top....but with a nice upper mid and treble sparkle.
Consider a tube pre like a CJ PV10, a great match for a bright amp if your Adcom is bright, I used to have a 555II and switched to a Classe 200, much smoother midrange and highs with plenty of punch. A much more refined sound. I still match it with a CJ pre 17. Before you make an amp change demo a couple of different front ends and interconnects like MIT or Cardas. Also try some damping material on your front wall between the speakers, could be anything like foam, a rug or wool blanket. Good luck.
The culprit in my experience is the adcom preamp. the amp is actually not that bright, but the preamp is. I had a gfa 5400 and a gfp-555 II (preamp) and with revealing speakers (in my case, castles) the sound was horribly bright, but with a passive preamp the sound was pretty good. BEFORE you switch amps, switch preamps. The c-j is a great suggestion. Or even a creek passive (much cheaper)