Help Me Expand My Music Taste

Hello Everyone,
I know essentially nothing about jazz and blues, but I would like to learn to appreciate these styles of music. To this end, if you would list for me your five favorite jazz or blues albums it would be very helpful in giving me some starting points. My impression is that jazz for example is somewhat of an acquired taste, and that as with wine, some albums are more likely to appeal to a novice than would other albums even by the same musician. I do not have an analogue setup, so my listening is limited to CD's. Let me thank you in advance for your suggestions.
All the best,
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Showing 1 response by tboooe

I would suggest visiting It is a great free internet radio station that does a pretty good of learning your preferences. You can set up multiple channels with different types of music. As you listen, you can rate what you like. The stations will learn your preferences and add more music that fit with what you have rated as liking. Because of I have been exposed to so much new music recently. My music purchases have increased dramatically as well. I hope this helps.