Help me decide what to do with old tube amps

I have two old tube amps.  One is a Hafler pre-amp that is worth about $200, maybe.

The other is an amp by Audionics of Oregon from about 1975.  It's so rare that I can't figure out what it is, how much it would cost it to fix it or how much I could sell it for.  I can't find anyone who has worked on one before or find any relevant records on eBay.

The amps work last I tried, but they sound like the power supplies are shot.  There could be other problems, but I'm not sure how I'd know.

Right now they are just sitting around.  I would like to either fix and use them, or sell them.  Maybe the Audionics will have a new life as replacement parts for another old tube amp.

The audionics has no model name.  The back of the amp has a stuck-on serial number 06835 above the words "Manufactured by Audionics, Inc., Beaverton, Oregon 97005 U.S.A. 

If anyone is interested in helping me figure out what it is and what to do with it, I would be happy to take the amp apart and post pictures of its innards.

Thank you.

Hafler preamp is of course no mystery.
Neither is Audionics.  I certainly recall the brand name.  Can you post a photo? (This can be done by posting on photobucket or some other similar photo site and then providing the URL here.)
I did some Googling.  Is the Audionics amplifier tube type or solid state?  Can you see a model number anywhere?