Help me decide on my next cartridge (

They say that rule #1 of owning a turntable is -

“Do not spend more on the cartridge than the table”.  So, we are talking about <$900.

That being said, this is my current setup:

  • Parasound Halo Integrated amp
  • Pro-ject Debut Carbon Esprit DC turntable
  • Ortofon 2M Blue MM cartridge
  • Vandersteen 2Ce Signature II speakers
I like the 2M blue, but it’s getting up there in listening hours, and it’s the only cartridge that this turntable has had; so I don’t know what I’m missing by moving up.
I would appreciate any and all suggestions.


Showing 4 responses by chakster

So, we are talking about <$900.

Some fantastic MM or MC cartridges can be found for $900, not the Nagaoka, not the Ortofon, not the Grado, and not that Hanna MC and usual suspects. 

Actually for $900 you can easily look for best cantilevers, best diamonds, best generator etc. You can ignore all the cartridges with aluminum cantilever and conical/elliptical diamonds. Withing your budget you can pretend for Boron, Beryllium cantilevers with MicroRidge or LineContact diamonds if you willing to use your cartridge longer than others. You can find much better MM cartridge if you will look for top of the line models from the heyday of Moving Magnet technology (mid 70's or mid 80's). When you buy NOS (New Old Stock) you will get the best for the buck compared to modern cartridge. Some gently used also fine if you can trust the source. Stylus replacement is a benefit of MM, so i would not recommend to buy MC (especially refurbished or retipped). 

And yes, you can look for Audio-Technica, Victor, Grace to name a few of my favorite brands of Moving Magnet type. 

Cantilever type and mass is related to frequency response.
Stylus type is related to groove wear, sound quality and diamond life span.

Do not limit yourself with a choice of cartridges available in the shops today, we’re living in the digital era, there are much better cartridges produced in analog era (especially under $1k).

After reading many comments about serious problem with brand new Ortofon 2M cartridge pins (falling out when people trying to remove the lead wires) i can only think how poor is the quality control at the Ortofon today. I have never experienced anything like that even with 30 years old cartridges.
One member here mentioned to buy a NOS cart, i'm sceptical of that due to the suspension systems degradation over time. NOS carts should be bought with the understanding they may need a rebuild. heck any used cart for that mater.

@glennewdick How many NOS cartridge with bad suspension do you have (MM or MC), would you like to recall the brands ?

I have ZERO vintage cartridges with this problem, each NOS cartridge package i have opened myself was superb. I tried many. This problem does not exist for me, except for one brand i would never buy again -Technics cartridges. 

I would never rebuild any cartridge, this is a waste of money (imo), i tried and wasn't happy about result comparing them to the originals. 

A good cartridge must be fully original and in perfect condition. 


I have not owned personally any NOS carts (well i suppose my VDH cart is well over 15 years old now) I'm going off what friends who have owned many have talked about during our weekly Audio club luncheons. So as I said MAY need rebuilding. I have also had 2 carts rebuild by the manufacture both VDH carts and both came back sounding better then they did when I sent them of course they were both wore out by that time and I can not remember if they are exactly the same as new.  

It's perfect when a manufacturer himself can work on old cartridge to pimp it up. That's fine. I know that VdH service is the most expensive service, but this is how it should be done with VdH cartridges. I think if someone else will work on VdH cart you will not get the VdH sound.