Help me decide: Grado Gold or AT440ML

I am about to change the needle in my Grado Gold cartridge (about $90) but I heard the AT440ML (about $90 for cartridge) might be a better tracking cartridge. I read someones comment that Grados and Shures do not tract so good on inner groves. I have an AR-XA turntable with at REGA RB300 arm. Which way should I go, buy a new needle for the Grado Gold or by a new AT440? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by w8aaz

Frankly I use my TT for transcribing to other media, most of the time. I tried a wood body Grado and have an AT440 mounted right now. I thought the Grado sounded great, but it picked up hum from the TT and did not track on the inside track all that well for me, despite fiddling with it. The AT may not be as refined as the Grado, but I found it played inside tracks with alot less distortion than the Grado and no hum problems. But now I am bored and gonna try a MC cart.