HELP Marantz MA-6100 and Vanersteen 3a signatures

Im on a budget. Any thoughts on the combo? Thanks

THX Ultra certified; designed and engineered to the very highest standards for the finest surround sound experience
Ultra-narrow monaural amplifier, just 85mm wide, permits compact side-by-side arrangement for neat space-saving set-upin smaller living rooms
High power output delivers a huge 125W (RMS into 8ohms), rising to a powerful 180W into demanding 4ohm loudspeakers
Many amps will do you better than will those within recievers.

I don't feel "louder" was the aim of these other folks. Better.... I suspect was their aim.

do remember... there's watts and then there's watts! that normally means the power supply is key with amps. That and storage for power reserves.

250wpc ought to be right in the target area for those units, easily.

BTW.. Congrats too. Enjoy.
I went ahead and bought them and I will post a review of them after I get them hooked up and listen to them for a while. In the end if they are a little weak they can be bridged together for 250 watss (more than enough) I really don'y need to get loud I just want better dynamics than I was getting with my receiver.

I've no actual exp with either unit. I have heard from a couple or more Vandy 3a owners they opted for more power than 125 receiver watts to run theirs with.

you might check some of the virtual system's more closely to see what other 3a owners are using too.