Help, Manley Mahi, Oppo-BDP93

I'm using my Manley Mahi mono-blocks with an Oppo-BDP93, using the volume control via the Oppo. My speakers are either Zu Druid Mk04.8 or Dunlavy SC1 depending upon the need, per evening, or artist/recording. My question is; what DAC will better the internal DAC within the Oppo, and/or is my source the issue? I'm using the Oppo with WAV files via an external drive and still listening to CDs and Super Audio CDs.

Showing 2 responses by lloydelee21

Hi AE,

What is your budget? I own the Oppo 83 but only use it as a transport into my DAC. I think of a number of good DACs you may wish to consider, but it is budget-dependent. ARC DAC 8, Stahl-Tek Vekian, Wadia 7, 9, Zanden, [for some] older and newer DCS, Accuphase...all are truly wonderful SOTA world-class DACs...i have heard nearly all of the above, and they are amazing.
Mcondon has a good point...i re-read your original post. i would not recommend the volume control of the Oppo (at all)...use a preamp. The volume control on my Oppo 83 is terrible in comparison to the quality of the sound coming thru a proper preamp...and it gets better if you use the Oppo into a good DAC and then into a preamp.