Help in setting up my first sound system

Hi, I'm looking to set up my first audio system and the more research I do the more confused I become. I basically want a pair of floorstanding speakers. I know I need an amp but WTH are pre amps, should I have tube or solid state, then there's cables, placement, the drivers in the speakers, kevler, cone etc, etc. Please help or point me in the direction of a site where I gather this info in one hit, (audiophile systems for dummys would be good)
02-03-09: Mags5000
The answers given above are good advice indeed. But, be honest with the type of listening you will be doing. I spent a huge amount of money on a dedicated room, high dollar system, room treatments, and was rewarded with a great listening experience. I now listen to that system about 10% of the time. In my pool (table) room I have a less expensive system that is in use the vast majority of the time. I have friends over, we eat, drink and party rather than sit in the sweet spot.
That's why you need to honestly examine how you *will* use the system, rather than how you might use it under ideal conditions. In my case, with an open architecture living area and various kids and dogs moving throughout the area, I chose Mirage omnidirectional speakers. They're compact, sensitive, and turn your entire living space into a general sweet spot. They exhibit very even timbre, tonality, and stable stereo image whether you're sitting, standing, walking about, or off to one side. Yet if you sit in the sweet spot, you do get more detail and soundstage.

Many speakers only sound right if your ears are at the tweeters' height and you're no more than 15 deg. off axis. That type of speaker is fine for nearfield monitoring, but for a more sociable setup, omnidirectional--or at least very wide dispersion--speakers rule.
After you've followed all the good advice on this thread and after you've purchased your initial system, visit this forum at least once a week and read through the threads. In 12 months, you'll begin to tweak what you've purchased, 6 months after that, one by one, you'll begin to slowly replace the items that you originally purchased.

In adopting a hi-fi hobby, you're about to start a never ending journey. advice is, while on your journey, never be afraid to trust your ears.

.....enjoy the ride
Thank you all so much for your advice. I feel a little more confident now. My budget is around $US1500.

For my system I'm thinking of an integrated amp and a pair of floorstanding speakers. I live in Hong Kong so there's not too much equipment to choose from and not really many places where I can test equipment. (I'm hoping to get second hand gear)

The room where the system will be is rectangular, concrete walls and has a tiled floor.(around 4 metres by 10 metres It's the main living area so I wont have much room to play with. (I guess a more social set up would be realistic, although I do enjoy listening to my music and take it seiously)

Speakers I've been looking into are B&W and KEF but am open to any brand. Not even began to look at integrated amps yet.

Musical tastes are indi, rock, jazz

Most of my music is on an MP3 player (I try to use a higher bit rate 192 - 320) Would this make a significant difference in sound quality compared to CD's?

So with all this in mind, what type/style of speakers (should i biwire) and amp should I be looking out for and what would you recommend?

Thanks again.
B&W and Kef are good speakers.
These reviews might be of interest to you :!9/

For integrated amp, you want to get one that matches the speaker well - some combinations are better than others. After choosing the speaker, I would ask here for the right synergy integrated amp.

You can start here though :!8/Price_Desc/

Hongkong is a good place for hifi - please read this :

There are some good sounding chinese hifi gears - you might want to explore that too, like Cayin amps, melody, music hall, etc.

Wu ei hifi...
I have 4 pieces of Chinese gear: two Audio Space monoblock amplifiers, an Audio Space integrated amp and a JAS Audio CD player. In my humble opinion these offer extraordinary value for money; I don't know where you would find equivalent sound and build quality at a lower price unless you got very lucky on the second-hand market.

I believe Audio Space and JAS Audio are actually based in Hong Kong.