Help in putting together my system with used equipment on Audiogon and eBay.

I’m looking for the best bang for the buck. What equipment can I find that would make the best system for my budget ($8000)? I'm starting out with:

Pass Labs X1 Preamp, my rock to start with. I got it for $2500 This is where you can help me the most. Let me know your best match for this pre-amp, or the ones you have found to be the best you have heard!

Bryston 4B SST amp for about $1700. It’s been my experience that more power wakes up a speaker and pins it’s ears back. At 300wpc and the reviews on this amp I picked it, but just to start. I really need some experienced people to give me recommendations for the amp, or if the Bryston is a winner. I can sell this for a better amp.

Do I need a DAC?

Phono. I’ve realized that might be a big reason why people go to separates isn’t it? I’d like to hear some comments on this. If you have separates and no phono, what do you use? Stream music? CD’s?

CD player? I do have a lot of CD’s. With separates, it’s either phono, cd, or streaming correct?

I’m not really a phono guy, but I know which albums I would buy so it is an option. I wouldn’t know a good phono if you hit me with it. Please recommend a few.

I’m leaning toward B&W speakers just because of their reputation. I may spend up to 5k on a good pair of speakers, but I want them to be used and costing much more when bought new. I know how to spot a good deal and not buy speakers on their death bed (from reputable sellers), but I need your recommendations too. You all have heard more speakers than I ever have and will.

**I’m going to check this post often and answer any questions and write down your recommendations.
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Showing 31 responses by imabucfan

Well I settled on speakers at least. I found a pair of Von Schweikert VR4JR speakers for 2000 which included shipping. It was a great decision, the speakers sound incredible. I feel their decision to have the beautiful enclosure done in China by a furniture store made these much less expensive. Truly a full range speaker with excellent bass response. I would not have been happy to just hear a minimal gain in sound quality over my Klipsch Heresy III's and these did not disappoint.
Some have recommended I go to stereo stores and listen to speakers, but speaker stores are not going to carry older speaker models being sold for half the price. You really have to research the reviews and listen to ordinary audiophiles and their views on the speakers. I was actually sold on the VR4SR version of this model but those were a bit out of my budget and a bigger speaker to find the room for. The VR4JR was smaller and I was hoping the full range was represented in them as well, and I was right. Maybe not the ideal way to find speakers but it worked for me. The fact that they were recommended in a post or two to me helped my decision!
I think I am going to stay with an integrated amplifier. Whether it is my hearing or there isn't enough details in the music I am playing with the Pass Labs X1 and Bryston 4b SST over my Yamaha 5250 it just doesn't sound that different to me. I will be selling the separates and buying a new integrated amplifier. It will be used for music and home theatre. I will also be selling my Audeze LCD-2's as I have discovered I like open air music over headphones. If anyone is interested please let me know, but I will be listing these here and other selling places.
If anyone has a good recommendation for a great integrated amplifier please let me know!!!
So everything I have read about separates being much better for audiophile quality music is false?

I would rather stream than buy lots of vinyl if the quality is close enough. I have zero vinyl to start with. I can continue on to the streaming aspect unless someone convinces me vinyl is the only way to go. Please recommend a streamer (or phono if you say turntable can't be beat).

Assuming everyone thinks the Pass and Bryston are worthy (for now) I am considering the Pass Labs X250 for upgrade later. The amp is so important I would consider everyone’s suggestions for an amp to match the Pass X1. This is the part I need your experience in. I have read mixing and matching preamp and amp are just as important in musical definition quality. I just want to use XLR cables for balanced input.

I do want my speakers to be worthy of this system and will overspend on my budget to get the right speakers. B&W, Martin Logan, etc. if you see a pair worthy on Audiogon or eBay worth looking at please give me the name. As long as it doesn’t cost as much as a second mortgage. Regardless of the cost of everything else I will pay up to 5k for a pair of speakers that hopefully cost much more brand new (if they are still being made!).

Thank you for the comments so far!

Thanks ovinewar. I searched CL and nothing came up but I'll keep looking. The Thiel's are highly rated. I'm hoping to get a pair of speakers that will be keepers right off the bat. What do you all think about Martin Logan Ascent I or B&W Nautilus 802? 
It used to be that you could go to your local audio store and audition a lot of gear and find what you like. Now there just aren’t many audio stores around, maybe because of eBay/Amazon? It makes putting a system together much harder.

As far as speakers are concerned, I'm going off your recommendations and online reviews. I do want a full range speaker since it's a stereo system.
I am wanting a full range speaker. B&W 802 is my reference point, I might be able to get a pair at some point under 3k. I need suggestions though, I like to hear the bass in my music. It doesn't need to pound, just good tight bass.
I’m in Jacksonville Fl. I listen to a wide range of music, and good speakers would have me listening to a lot of jazz and easy listening, although the speakers need to be able to keep up with rock music as well. I'm retired military and getting up there in age so I don't have the years available to do a lot of auditioning equipment which is why I'm leaning on your experience!
ovinwar thanks for the link I'll look into those. jsautter I will most likely buy a Pass x125 when I can afford the additional $ after selling my Bryston (unless I love the Bryston). david_ten I have a flex budget but the amps ARE included so the difference goes to speakers. 4diagrams I will look into the Goldenear Triton speakers! dwmaggie I ruled out Magnapan's because I want to hear bass, and also the space requirements for them. I'll take your suggestions, I have a Best Buy near me but I don't know how much audiophile equipment they have on the floor, if any! malatu I laughed at your post! I feel like my budget, although seemingly on target, will be surpassed by selling and buying amps/speakers if I am not satisfied! I think I will be ok if I can find the right speakers! I'm going to give separates a shot first because I already have them being shipped to me. It's speaker selection that is kicking my a** right now. Thanks everyone, please keep the suggestions especially for music streaming gear and speakers coming!
Thanks rbstehno, I've heard that about separates more often than not. And I am going to go digital. I'll look into the ps audio DS sr. And keeping it simple is great advice! jdesj thank you for that. I've been wondering about the B&W and I do want to hear the bass. I have a pair of Heresey III's right now, and Cornwalls would be a great choice if I can find a pair! mahgister, that is a wise statement. I am definitely going to try to get the very best out of my system since I don't have the time or $ to fool around too much. Thanks everyone! I still want to hear speaker choices and digital gear recommendations please!
I have a question. I was told the Pass Labs X1 is a stereo preamp. I thought it was the amplifier that determined the number of channels. I don't mind, but if I wanted to have a 5 channel amp later I would have to sell my amp AND preamp?
jgreen, Tekton Moab 900wpc !!! I bet they put out some bass. tomic601 that is a good suggestion, but driving to ATL is a bit much! Of course, that maybe the closest audio store to me. I don't think Best Buy counts. I sure wish audio stores were still a thing. Nowadays people use youtube as there listening place go to! I need suggestions on how to stream digital, my laptop doesn't have 16mb memory so that is not an option. Streaming gear??? And realistic speaker recommendations please! I'll do what I can to get out and listen to potential buys!
What about Cornwalls? Since I can't listen to Cornscalas, can someone who has hear the difference tell me how the Cornscala compares to Cornwall besides price? The Cornwall III is on special right now for 3k. thinman2 I will look into the Pass XA30.5, but I will be going from 300wpc to 30wpc and the type of speakers I choose will determine this change I think.
Everyone, I still get recommendations of selling my separates and  buying an integrated. In the words of a speaker engineer I know of he said "I want to hear the smack of the singers lips when they start to sing, and the strike if a symbol as if it came out of thin air". I know I never will get even close to the $80,000 system he plays his speakers on, but I would like to hear that as close as I can get it. And from what I've heard from others, separates are the way to get there.
Thanks geof3, I actually almost bought a Parasound pre and amp! I will definitely keep a Parasound amp in mind if the Bryston doesn't work out! liamowen, it's posts like yours that make me want to venture into vinyl and I may at some point if streaming doesn't work for me. I think you have to like entire albums to get into vinyl. I like a few from start to finish I just don't now how many complete albums I like. luisma31 HELL YES! I am going to do just that! Thanks for telling me. I already feel like my budget is going to be shot to hell going there! arichison I played a pair of KEF LS50's using 100wpc and they didn't impress me. I will try to find ADS to give them a listen. moofoo so you are in my position of a new hobby late in years! I want to give tubes a try sometime in the future. I just don't know about their maintenance and if they give out enough power to get as loud as I like. I definitely will be looking into that. jburidan I have heard that from more than one person so you all have steered me away. I also heard B&W don't put out enough bass so that is a negative for me. I am looking at Klipsch Cornwalls and some other suggestions my fellow audio enthusiasts have recommended. It's the biggest deal in my audio system, so I need to get it right! Thanks and please keep up the posts everyone, you have been very helpful!!!!! 
thinman2 I actually talked to Bob and he helped me with a pair of Heresey's upgrading the capacitors. I didn't know about Cornscala's I'll look at them. Mario thanks I'll look at the Pass XA30.5 and the streaming gear. That is definitely a possibility, as is the streaming gear recommendation. soma70 your post is very helpful to me. Thanks for that, I needed more recommendations on streaming gear. I had no idea where to start so thank you. Now I have some good recommendations on streaming gear I can research. As one of you put it, it's going to be time to stop reading and start listening to gear, so I will try to find out where to do that. Best Buy and the Expo are on my list!!!
Speakers aside, I think I need to figure out how to implement a DAC, music streamer, headphone amp, and possibly my lifetime Sirius subscription into my system. I'm starting to visualize stacks of gear on my audio rack or lack of because of my budget.
Thanks MrD. I have that trip to the Expo in Tampa coming up and I'll get ahold of you after that (unless you're on the way Jax-Tampa?).
I am looking into Cornwalls. Can somebody weigh in? I've heard them before I had my sights set on an audiophile system and all I know is they are loud and fairly detailed. A great speaker I assume is like a computer, garbage in-garbage out. So in my quest to hear detailed music I hope I can get quality in-quality out. Are the Cornwalls worthy?
Thanks jsautter, why is that? and what is your recommended speaker?
Also, soma70 recommended the Innuos Zen Mini  streamer. It has an internal DAC and accepts rca inputs. Is there a streamer that would use xlr cables or is that only between amp/preamp? Can the DAC be used for all inputs or just the streamer? I know this post is getting long in the tooth, but you all are helping me a lot, I really appreciate everything. I know ultimately it is my decision. but it will be a decision based on your knowledge and invaluable recommendations. Thank you!!!!!!!
Thank you all for the relies!!! If anyone has a good suggestion for equipment on Audiogon or eBay that I could use please message me! I will consider this post closed since it is long and old, but feel free to post, I will be watching it!!! Thank you all very 
Thanks mrdecibel, I will be asking many questions once I feel I am going to buy or hookup equipment!
I have a Bryston 300wpc so I am looking for the right speakers. I don't want to sacrifice sound quality and maximize what I put together. I was told the Pass X1 preamp doesn't have a sub output for my Klipsch powered sub! Thanks dentdog I need all the help I can get. I am going to go to some audio stores and the expo in Tampa so I hope I can find the right equipment for my budget!
acurus thank you. If I can find a Pass xa30.5 amp I will audition it. Class A but only 30wpc makes me feel like it will play clean but not loud. We shall see... dmbwire thanks for the audio store names, I google audio shop and get Best Buy and home theatre installers!!! arktithdeth thanks for the post, but I only know enough to be a little careless with my $ and I can't afford to choose wrong, I know my place in the audiophile world, and it's not very high up the ladder. I am hoping to take everyone's recommendations and try to get most of it right the first time, but I'm sure there are a lot of laughs from everyone about that statement! I just want to get the best sound I possibly can from my first components and do some tweaking along the way. It's just unreal how much some components go for. A set of speakers that cost three times my complete system! If it sounds like the band is playing in front of me, or as close as I can get, I will be completely satisfied until my time comes!
cavscout thanks for the post. And for reinforcing the Pass/Bryston. I bought those after many hours of research and reading reviews and recommendations. I have to start somewhere, and there aren't any audio stores that will be auditioning these older models. I was scolded by one poster about getting out and listening to gear, but the audio stores are using new gear, not the used gear I want to buy. In order to maximize my $ and audio quality I need to buy highly rated used gear. Some may argue, but that's how I feel. Getting this new gear will open up a wide range of music for me. Jazz, rock, easy listening. I will admit even at my age I do like to crank up Nirvana, but there is plenty of room for the Eagles, Aretha Franklin, Bach, and lots of jazz. I figured the Bryston at 300wpc will play just about anything I want at whatever volume suits me at the time. Everyone that gives me recommendations are helping me in a big way in deciding what gear to get, even if I don't end up getting exactly what I want because of the $. The media streamer will be a hard purchase, it seems the industry is still refining the technology. The speakers will be the fun part, and perhaps the audio expo in Tampa will be the defining moment for my choice, although as with the entire system, my budget will weigh on my decision. If anyone reading these posts thinks I am lucky to be buying a system at all, when you hit your retirement age is not the best time to be getting into audio. It's on my bucket list of things I'm going to do damn it, come hell or high water!
bobd207s I hope my audio falls into place for me like it did for you! Being a musician must help a lot putting a good system together! cakyol I have seen lots of Naim and Shiit gear in upper level systems, I will look at that. jahatl513 I have had suggestions to use tubes "somewhere" in my system with Klipsch, does that mean either preamp, amp or DAC? audioman58 another vote for tubes and tweaking! I've been thinking about my Bryston and I may have done better with a class A, but I was trying to stay within my budget. My first mistake? dmbwire thanks for tht info, I will be seeing them real soon! I'm just concerned about them using new gear rather than used older gear, but I do have a lot of questions! jji666 thanks, I have heard that from many. I think I need to get the best pair I can get. There are so many options! Bass from a Magnapan? I'll have to give them an audition! Bob thanks for the gear recommendation. They are going on my list! hauxon thank you, more for my list. I have considered the Nautilus but first I've heard about Polk. I'll watch for them. bullitt5094 that's another recommendation for Tektons! I might see them at the expo! vair68robert Younger is wishful thinking! Another tube recommendation. I have to figure out the best way to do that. I would hate to sell my Pass X1. It seems to be either tubes or class A, I really need to educate myself about the difference in sound. Maybe incorporate both? Thiel on my list! vinylrestingplace that is definitely something I don't look forward to, deciding I want to try another amp, selling what I have, buying the next thing. I wonder which is the best way to go, refining the best amp/preamp or buy the best speakers and get gear to drive them. I've heard both from several people and it's an interesting question indeed! fastfreight great post, thanks! You touched on areas I have lingering questions about. Even the carpet, I have wood flooring so that is something to consider. I agree, I think I'll use the Pass preamp until I decide the Bryston, although it will drive almost any speaker, may not be musical enough for me. As a speaker engineer put it, "I want to hear the smack of a singer's lips when they start to sing, and a symbol strike as if out of thin air". I don't know if my system will ever get that good, but the quest is on!!! 
Lol! True davekayc! What I am looking for in these posts are multiple recommendations for an amp/preamp/digital gear/speakers. If I get multiple recommendations from these audio loving good people I know to take a hard look at it. An example is people recommending tube amps. I don't know the maintenance involved (tube replacement) and cost, but if that is the best way to a great system, will play loud and clean, I will definitely be considering it. Class A amps is another option. Speakers will be my choice and the best I can find. Digital equipment scares me, I want a media player not a wireless player, and I'm hoping to incorporate a DAC/headphone amp/cd player/cd ripper or as much as I can into one player. It seems to me the technology is really ramping up on this gear. The Innous Zen MK3 and the Bluesound Vault seem to be the most popular. Thanks to everyone, these posts are helping me a great deal!!!
Bob, Mr.db and all, I received the Pass X1 and Bryston amp and will be setting it up with my inexpensive Marantz cd player to give it a listen! These beginning amps were selected from earlier recommendations and my research and reviews from others. I have worn out my Yamaha 5250 100wpc and yearn for live concert sound on a budget, but how much better will it be? Are my Klipsch better than I thought? Do I have to go tube amp or class A for cleaner sound? I bought the Bryston purely on reviews and 300wpc. I will post my experience later, will it be the happy face or the chocolate yogurt emoji???
Tubes might be too expensive to maintain??? Class A how many wpc do I need to get loud? Is 30 enough in the Pass Labs XA30.5? You all know what I'm going through. Don't say I need to hear them all, I know somebody already has. Can someone weigh in that knows? The Pass/Bryston will be good. Can I do better?
I've had a LOT of recommendations on tubes. I don't even know there was a tube PRE amp. How does a preamp make a difference in the sound? I thought it was just a unit to plug all the sources into. Man do I have a lot to learn. I want to than you all for the posts, I have learned a LOT from you all. I know it will be my personal taste in the synergy of the system I put together, that tubes, if I decide to implement them, will add to the synergy. A few have said the Class A/AB Pass XA30.5 amp would go well with my system. If I decide to hang on to my Klipsch Heresy III's, I will have to give them a listen or hopefully hear the difference from an audio store. I really need to figure out the digital side of my system, I am totally confused on that. I don't need a unit that streams wireless or an amp, but they all seem to do that. So a good DAC and cd ripper is what I'm after. I appreciate your posts! Please keep them coming, I learn a little from them all, and I still have a lot to lean. Thanks everyone. Especially Mrdecibel who recommended I take it slow and just buy a cd player for now. I had been listening to the tuner on my Yamaha 5250 for so long I thought that was as good as my system got, and then a clean signal from a cd went through them and DAMN! A newfound respect! If it gets a lot better from here, I am hooked!
Here's where I'm at. I just hooked up my gear and it's a bit late so I can't turn it up until tomorrow or so. The Pass Labs X1/Bryston 4B SST is working perfectly and in low volume with my Marantz PMD-526C cd player I could tell the Bryston's 300wpc were causing the Klipsch Heresy III's to sound like they wanted to bust out of the cabinet. One thing I did notice with the cd player off is a bit of hiss from the Bryston and at high gain it got a bit louder. I read somewhere that turning the volume up with no source connected was a good way to tell how clean the music was going to sound, can someone weigh in on that topic??? I know with the music playing the hiss does not get any louder with volume so you won't tell it's there but it is. Are the tube amps/class A amps the same way?? Just want to know how that effects a good system. I am plugged into a Furman SS-6B Power Conditioner so I know it's not coming from household current (is it?)
4play thanks for the input, you are spot on with my thinking! I'll give the network audio a look. The cd ripper route is great sounding but the truth is along with zero vinyl I hardly have many cd's but the ones I have I listen to a lot.

I'm actually fond of Focal after having a lot of experience when I was younger and put together a pretty serious car stereo using Focal speakers, JL sub and more. I'll have to check them out.
I went to Best Buy to visit the "Magnolia Room" and listen to some speakers. All I have to say is WHAT A JOKE that was. There was not one person that gave a damn that I might be there to spend money on speakers. I think they have to stand there with you and switch to different speakers with an electronic switch so nobody wants do that apparently. I probably would not have bought them there anyway. Some Martin Logan's, B&W, Nothing I particularly wanted anyway.