Help in deciding between these two cartridges for an upgrade

I have been very happy with my Benz Micro Wood SM.  I have had it on two Rega turntables with several different amp/preamp/phono combinations.  They were all Audio Research tube components.  I now have the Audio Research GSi75 which has two gain settings:  45db & 63db.  I use it on the high setting now with 0.8mV from the Benz.

I have had my eye on two well reviewed cartridges that are both about 0.4mV

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze 
Kiseki Blue NS

There isn't anything specific I am trying to achieve, simply have the upgrade itch.  Now with a Rega RP10, an integrated amp and my Wilson Sophias there isn't a lot to change other than the cartridge.  My previous cartridge was an Eroica LX that had the Sapphire retip service from SoundSmith.  The move to the Benz was dramatic.  I would want the next move to be as or more dramatic for the investment.  Both of these seem to be at the peak of 'bang for your buck' in the $2000 bracket.

I listen to mostly classic rock, jazz, folk/singer-songwriter, pop, blues and R&B.  

Thanks for your thoughts!Dana

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