Help in deciding between these two cartridges for an upgrade

I have been very happy with my Benz Micro Wood SM.  I have had it on two Rega turntables with several different amp/preamp/phono combinations.  They were all Audio Research tube components.  I now have the Audio Research GSi75 which has two gain settings:  45db & 63db.  I use it on the high setting now with 0.8mV from the Benz.

I have had my eye on two well reviewed cartridges that are both about 0.4mV

Ortofon Cadenza Bronze 
Kiseki Blue NS

There isn't anything specific I am trying to achieve, simply have the upgrade itch.  Now with a Rega RP10, an integrated amp and my Wilson Sophias there isn't a lot to change other than the cartridge.  My previous cartridge was an Eroica LX that had the Sapphire retip service from SoundSmith.  The move to the Benz was dramatic.  I would want the next move to be as or more dramatic for the investment.  Both of these seem to be at the peak of 'bang for your buck' in the $2000 bracket.

I listen to mostly classic rock, jazz, folk/singer-songwriter, pop, blues and R&B.  

Thanks for your thoughts!Dana

Showing 1 response by nmmusicman

The new Benz Micro’s with the MR stylus is downright killer. I have a Wood SL MR running into a Sutherland Little Loco that slays my Soundsmith Sussorro mk ll. 
Of course, once one jumps off the voltage gain phone stages and converts to current gain stages all the fiddling with loading/gain goes out the window and a new panorama opens up.