Help in deciding a processor preamp

Anyone that could help a newbie? I would at this point (confused) be indebted to you almost forever!! I have purchased a TH-50px20 Panasonic Plasma,(the beast that started my dilemma),a Rotel RMB-1095 5 channel amp, Sony NC555ES DAC,Polk Audio's,RT12's, main, CSi5 center,Fx13 surrounds, and Veledyne VPR 12" sub (150watt).I'm undecided on a preamp processer though I'm leaning towards a Rotel RSP-1068 solely on the basis of keeping the conponents matched. I'm not sure if that a solid base for this purchase. Anyone with a suggestion for a better unit($1500>$2000)??? Thank in advance,Skip56.
You are welcome Skip and ................welcome... The Anthem would also be a nice choice as there are many. Do I find the Rotel works together . You bet but there are many other fine processore in your price range. I suggest looking for musicality in a processor. A natural presentation to musical reproduction over " how many and what kind " of special dsp effects it offers. Give me a no frills preamp processor any day.

With the Anthem D1 now released you can find some sweet deals on the AV20. My dealer has three which were brought in as trades. If I had the money one would be making its way to me.

In your price range I would seriously consider the Anthem AVM 20. With the new AVM30 out now the prices on the 20 will be comming down. Truly a fantastic processor.
Brainwater, having read your other threads I'v decided to take your advice. I'm new to computers, forums, all of it so you have no idea how much I appreciate your input. I can see I'll be spending alot of time at this forum, thanks again,Skip.
The 1068 is an excellent procssor and match for you. Dont hesitate to consider it.