Thanks for the replies. More details I can do. The preamp is a VTL 2.5. No cable TV. Yes, the tubes are noisey--I've replaced a particularly bad one and am considering switching out the stock tubes all together--but that's another story. The hum I am concerened about here is from the power supply and happens when the preamp is on, regardless of whether any of the other components are even turned on (so, no, nothing to do with speakers or sound reproduction in any way). The noisey bit is the torroidal jobbie towards the back of the preamp (power supply?)--so no, it's onboard, not seperate. I will un- and re-plug everything in various configurations to see if that makes any difference (thus checking for a loop by removing eveything else...). Currently no power condiditoning, so that may be an option as well. In fact, I must admit that my current power arrangement stinks. I'll also experiment with various dampening and isolation tricks. All good suggestions, and I suspect I'm on the right track. The one piece of info I'd still like to get my hands on, though, is how precisely a ground loop manifests itself. For all the talk about them, I have yet to see a simple explanation of what exactly makes the noise (I know why (sort of), and how to fix it, but not what). If a gound loop causes distortion in the reproduction of music, or any kind of acoustic artifact that is then amplified and broadcast by the speakers, then I don't have one and I am wasting my time trying to fix one. If, however, the "hum" from a ground loop manifests itself by causing the actual physical compenents of the electronics (such as the internal power supply on a preamp) to, I assume, vibrate enough to create an audible (and annoying) hum--then treatment for a ground loop is the thing for me. I guess, if you'll pardon the excess verbiage, my question is a simply as, "which is it?" Thanks again.
Help identifying a ground loop hum
Ok, I'm talking basic--I now wouldn't know one kind of humm from another if it bit me in the face. I'll describe what I've got, someone please tell me what it is... About 50% of the time that the pre-amp is on, there is an audible, electronic hum that comes directly from its power supply. The power supply hums--not all of the time, sometimes at first, sometimes only later, sometimes not at all--but it defintely hums. Is this a ground loop hum? Is it just sporadically noisey, and them's the breaks? Is there a problem with the pre-amp? Many thanks.