Help ID nakamichi tape deck

hey... i'm trying to identify a gigantic nakamichi cassette deck my father had around '83. if i remember correctly it was about 9 inches tall and had a mostly silver face with a black bottom (or vice versa?). there were no (or very few) buttons available to you unless you pushed a portion of the bottom piece and then that piece would sort of open up a la the doors of the old long-gone lime green briklin my father also had (i'm just realizing now dad was a swinger). anyway, after the bottom piece opened up you'd find all kinds of knobs and buttons. this is all from memory so i could be missing something major.

it's not the dragon, btw. the face place was solid and the colors were silver and black: that's really the extent of my knowledge.

as always, thanks everyone in advance!
Beemer - i do remember the king biscut flour hour. i went to school in boston thru '90. what the hell was the king biscut flour hour? most of my memory is gone from abuse but it rings a loud bell. was that on the station or something? help me out here.

as far as the dragon, my father's was not the 100 but the 700 i've learned (from pictures) - the ZXL. i think you can get them now for around 8-1000 used. not bad for the sheer mass of the thing.

thanks everyone, i'll let you know if i'm stupid enough to spend the rest of my money like this or not. - i dont think i can stop myself, however. - i mean, i dont even HAVE tapes, whatamithinking?
Hey Kubla, I have a Dragon and some pictures of the deck you want. Give me a week and my daughter's art talents and I'll have it looking just like what you want. It will cost you $1000 for the deck and another $5000 for the make-up and I will even pay shipping costs. Still a Nak. to the core! Interested?????
gee i dunno snook. gregm has made me realize that w/o a cassette collection perhaps the whole idea was half-baked. is your daughter up to this kinda mod? will it invalidate the warranty? there's a lot to consider here.